
We serve as constant and true advocates for our planet.

Because when we help the world thrive, so do we.

Swire Coca-Cola, USA is committed to the sustainable development of our company. We strive to minimize the environmental impact of the production, sales and distribution of our products. We carefully consider all of our activities and the needs of our community so we can be good stewards of our planet and the communities in which we operate.

Our sustainability goals center around three areas – Planet, Product and People. 


Water: In collaboration with Coca-Cola North America, our projects in Swire territories return to communities and nature an amount of water equivalent to what we use in the production of our beverages.  

Map of western United States showing water replenish rates, with a 281% replenish rate highlighted.

Water is the main ingredient in most of our beverages and it is essential to our manufacturing processes. Most importantly, water is the life-sustaining resource for the communities and ecosystems in which we operate, therefore it is paramount that we share and manage this precious resource together.

Three illustrations: a watershed with trees and a pond labeled 'Watershed: Source Vulnerability Assessments, Source Water Protection Plans'; a factory with solar panels and wind turbines labeled 'Efficiencies: Improved efficiency in manufacturing by 20%'; and a waterfall labeled 'Replenish: Return to nature at least 100% of the water used to produce our products'

We approach our water stewardship goal through three strategies: risk management, conservation, and replenishment. First, it is important for us to understand where our source water comes from, so we ensure we map out the risks to the watersheds in which we operate. Second, our conservation projects work to reduce the amount of water used in the manufacturing process. We’ve reduced our manufacturing water consumption by almost one-third. Third, Swire Coca-Cola is aligned with The Coca-Cola Company to safely return to communities and nature an amount of water equal to what we use in our finished beverages.

Climate: We aim to reduce absolute carbon emissions from across our value chain and enhance our business resilience to climate change.

  • By 2026 we will generate 100% of the electricity we use from renewable sources.
  • We will follow the Science Based Target Initiative methodology to set our decarbonization targets and actions.
  • By 2030, we have committed to reduce carbon emissions in our core operations against a 2018 baseline by 70% for scope 1 and 2 emissions.
  • By 2030, we have committed to reduce carbon emissions from our value chain against a 2018 baseline by 30% for scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions. 

 Rooftop solar installation at our new sales center in Yuma, AZ with mountains in the backgroundRooftop solar installation at our new sales center in Yuma, AZ

Packaging and Recycling: We are aligned with The Coca-Cola Company in our commitment to achieving a World Without Waste through innovative strategies in packaging design, internal waste management programs, and community partnerships to drive improvements in recycling and recovery. The goal of World Without Waste is to help collect and recycle a bottle or can for every one we sell by 2030.

Our vision for a world without waste: Collect and recycle the equivalent of every bottle or can we sell by 2030; making all our packaging 100% recyclable by 2025; producing bottles and cans with an average of 50% recycled content by 2030; partnering with organizations, our industry, customers, and governments to help clean our oceans and waterways and prevent debris and litter from entering them in the first place.


We take care to ensure our Products meet the needs and expectations of our consumers, customers and partners. We aim to become a total beverage company, giving people around the world more of the drinks they want in the manner they want them.

  • We will reduce average sugar content in 100mL of beverages by 20% by 2025 by market.
  • We do not advertise to children under the age of 12.


We care for our people and the people in the communities we operate our business in. 

Our success depends on our people. We are committed to investing in our people and to creating a safe and inclusive working environment for all.

We are firmly focused on the long-term sustainability of our business and the communities we serve. 

  • By 2025, average number of staff volunteering hours per staff to reach 8 hours.
  • Invest 1% of annual profit to the CSR Fund by 2025.